Friday, October 2, 2009

Online Business Resources: How I Made My First Million and How You Can Too!

Ewan Chia's "How I Made My First Million on the Internet and How You Can Too!: The Complete Insider's Guide to Making Millions with Your Internet Business," is one of the most useful online business books around.

Before I proceed with the book review, I want it to be clear that I am not being compensated by Ewan Chia for writing this review. In fact, borrow this book from the library and pay nothing. The important issue is that you receive and apply the information contained within "How I Made My First Million." The ideas contained within the book are free, with a few minor exceptions depending on how you choose to run your business. For example, whether you choose to pay for an auto-responder or find a free service.

In the book Ewan goes into detail about how to get your online business started. He writes so that even the most amateur online business owner can understand and apply the simple business ideas. Ewan talks about finding a niche by looking at your interests and focusing on a business idea that intrigues you. For example, if you have specialized knowledge in dog training he relates how you can build a website around your knowledge. Create information products such as "8 Special Ways to Get Your Dog to do What You Want." Or promote other people's products through affiliate marketing. Write interesting content to introduce your info or affiliate product. Spark people's interest and reveal that you have expertise within your topic of choice.

Ewan discusses at length the idea of gathering contact details from those who view your web pages. If you can get the email addresses of those who look at your website you are on your way to having a successful online business. The reason is that most people do not make purchases on their first visit to a website. When you capture their email it allows you to remind your subscribers of the great offers from your website.

Capturing emails is a bit of an art. The key is to offer potential subscribers a reason to give you their email. Offer a free ebook or software download to entice people to subscribe. The free offers will build your credibility as people will see that you provide quality services. As they enjoy your freebie you can then remind them how much more they will like your offered products. You can use a "squeeze" page, which will funnel people towards your free offer allowing you to capture subscriber details.

Ewan describes the various methods to generate free traffic to your website. He simply relates that you must get your web link in as many places as you possibly can. You do this by blogging, joining forums related to your business, submitting free articles, and link exchanges.

I enjoyed reading Ewan's book because of his motivational story. He was able to raise himself out of poverty and persevere through hardship. He struggled mightily and tried hundreds of online business methods before he found out what worked. The book not only describes how to build your online business, but is a great motivator to persist through difficult circumstances. "How I made my first million" is an inspirational book that will motivate you to do something everyday to improve your life.
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